Friday, November 29, 2013


Majghaun-Ben W., Priya, Steve and Elizabeth

Mattloghaun-Hannah, Alex, Me, Julius

Country Director Speaking at Swearing In

Our PC singers

RPCV from group 14

Priya and Andrew giving our PCT speech

My Didi and I

Alex and Nepalis

The Didis and Amas

Krysla, Me and Brittany

Sporting our hideous hats from our LCF

Our PC driver

At the temple near our hotel

Our huge hotel room!

The library in our room

The pretty retreat!


GLOW Camp!

Baby goats!

Men at a village wedding

American breakfast

Local puppy

More Kathmandu

Temple tree

Italian Dinner in Kathmandu

Prepping for Tihar-they draw a path for the goddess to follow to their little family temple

Tihar puja

Little brother

Little sister

Puja materials

Giving puja

The cute puppy that Ali adopted!


Pulling down the bamboo for our tippy tap

Building our tippy tap

As the "artist" of the group, I had to draw a picture of our tippy tap

The rice field

My Didi cutting rice

My bahini took my camera, at this point...

I love this!

Snack time at the best pasal around-we feasted on Coke, sour cream and onion chips and muffins

For the Canadian in our group-Alex

Elizabeth and I celebrating being done with the LPI with our favorite meal of roti and kidney bean tarkari

Puja materials on my bahini's birthday

The birthday girl on her 8th birthday

The make-shift birthday hat that I made

Yeah, her cake definitely said her brother's name...