Monday, February 2, 2015

The Best Worst Vacation Ever: The Zupan-Bogumill Clan's Adventures in Nepal: Pictures

Right off the plane-and straight to a competition.

Exhausted chess.

Exhausted Tyson with Tibetan fermented millet drink.

Sight-seeing in the historic section of Kathmandu

Tour guide-ing with Ben's family.

Cribbage break.

Buddha Stoupa.

My favorite boys!

My other favorite boys-Matt and Ben.

The Monkey Temple.

Hat hair.

Cousins and Brother(Hannah's, that is).

On the way to Pokhara.

Ladies of Dang!

Ain't no party like a Peace Corps Party...

That's not snow, it's filth.

Nekeia-dancing in the streets.

One of those rare pictures where everyone looks good: L-R: Nekeia, J.P., Jewels, Tyson, Me, Graham, Bora.

Inside the MORTAL COMBAT CLUB-the Nepali version of a strip club-with no nudity and with male/female choreographed dances. And babies.

Onto REAL Nepali transportation.

On the way to Mustang.

The next morning, in Beni: peanut butter, banana and tuna sandwiches.

Tansen: floor daal bhaat.

The "white lake" in Tansen.

The Bogumill boys in Dang.

What doesn't belong?

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